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It all Started Five Years Ago at a Moth storyslam... 

I believe people change only when they connect emotionally to the topic, they connect only when they understand, and they understand only when they are taught. Truly, stories are the highest form of teaching.



Recent speaking and workshop engagements:  (improve visual layout)


Tech Inclusion 2017, SF: solo speaker

Clever Storytelling workshop, SF: creator and facilitator

Clever Storyslam, SF: creator and facilitator   

Clever Student Data Privacy Webinar and white paper, SF: content, speaker

D.A.L.I. Conference, Florida: Speaker

StartUp Week, Seattle: Speaker

Moth GrandSlam, Seattle: winner

Moth storyslam, Seattle: winner (3x)

Education Policy Conference, UW School of Law: organizer, host and Speaker

StorySlam, US School of Law: 1 of 3 chosen storytellers


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My speaking topics include:

Privacy law (including GDPR)

Student rights 

Invisible disabilities 

Overcoming Adversity

Women's empowerment